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AVA47/Iron TY220/230/211/250 Packing Ring Set

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  Results 1 - 18 of 18 1 

Aavolyn #

Cylinder/ Rod Diameter


41560-22022-717 2.500 AVA47/Iron
61560-22003-726 3.500 AVA47/Iron
21560-22022-717 2.500 AVA47/Iron
31160-22022-713 2.125 AVA47/Iron
41160-22022-713 2.125 AVA47/Iron
41160-22022-717 2.500 AVA47/Iron
41160-22023-712 2.000 AVA47/Iron
41160-22023-714 2.250 AVA47/Iron
51160-22023-712 2.000 AVA47/Iron
51160-22023-717 2.500 AVA47/Iron
51160-22003-730 4.000 AVA47/Iron
42160-22003-726 3.500 AVA47/Iron
51160-22001-714 2.250 AVA47/Iron
511 60-22022-713 2.000 AVA47/Iron
51160-22003-726 3.500 AVA47/Iron
51160-22022-717 2.500 AVA47/Iron
52160-22003-730 4.000 AVA47/Iron
61160-22003-726 3.500 AVA47/Iron
  Results 1 - 18 of 18 1